

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thundering Heart..

Days are dark..
Nights are darker..

This monotonous rotating Blue Ball...
Sounds very odd and dull...

Repeating the mundane activities...
Living seems to be mere painfull..

What do i want..
Where do i go..
Why am i here...
What am i supposed to do..

For my thundering heart..
Should my eyes rain..??.
Should i shed those..
Will there be anyone to recieve it if i did..

Nobody to caress...
To whom shall i address..!!!

Is living so weary..
Finding an exit...
i will get through..
and rest in peace...

this one is dedicated to the people who got ****ed up with their Group Lead.:(


SenthilKumar said...

Super da :)
Exactly replicates the thought of mine but am not ****ed up by GL yet :P

Yogu said...

I can address one of your worry..Dont use IE use firefox or chrome..Jokes apart,nice poem machi...

Kram said...

nice da :)